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The Links tab is where you can set up links between layers. For tighter and more direct links where you want to create a direct relation you would use the Relations tool (see Relations manual):




To create a link click Add Link. Then Name it and choose the Target of the link, which is the layer you’re linking to. Your links are shown in the box to the left:




Next choose the column/s in the current layer (Link Column) that you will be using to link to the target layer. Then choose the corresponding column/s in the target layer (Target Column). Ticking on Hide if unlinked will hide graphic data in source or target data that is unlinked, meaning elements that don’t share a common value:




You can now click OK and your layers are now linked. In this example I linked my Points layer to my Areas layer, and as an example of using this link I can now theme my Points layer on a column from my Areas layer:





