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❖ The coordinates, bearings, dips etc. can be locked in this tool using special hot keys so that all you have to do is move your cursor in your scene to the desired locking point and then hit the key on your keyboard and the value will be locked for you automatically in the tool:
x = lock x coordinate y = lock y coordinate z = lock z coordinate
d = lock direction e = lock bearing p = lock dip
NB : Always make sure to first click on the Precision Draw dialogue so that it is active before moving to the position in your scene and hitting a hot key to register the desired value, if you don't do this it won't register the value.
By hitting a hot key a second time it will unlock that value. Similarly, click on the Precision Draw dialogue first so that it is active, then hit the hot key a second time to unlock, or simply click on the lock symbol next to the value to unlock.