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Glossary of simple sampling and database terms
ASSAY as·say [ˈaˌsā, aˈsā] verb present participle: assaying 1.determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore).
"I assayed a little joke of mine on him" origin Middle English (in the general sense testing, or a test of, the merit of someone or something): from Old French assai (noun), assaier (verb), variant of essai trial, essayer to try (see essay).
FLUORESCENCE fluo·res·cence [flo͝o(ə)ˈresəns, flôrˈesəns] noun noun: fluorescence 1.the visible or invisible radiation emitted by certain substances as a result of incident radiation of a shorter wavelength such as X-rays or ultraviolet light.
origin mid 19th cent.: from fluorspar (which fluoresces), on the pattern of opalescence
OPEN-PIT o·pen-pit adjective adjective: open-pit 1.denoting a method of mining in which coal or ore is extracted at or from a level near the earth's surface, rather than from underground workings. PEG [peg] noun plural noun: pegs 1.a short cylindrical piece of wood, metal, or plastic, typically tapered at one end, that is used for holding things together, hanging things on, or marking a position.
synonyms pin, nail, dowel, skewer, spike, rivet, brad, screw, bolt, hook, spigot, piton, tee pin, nail, dowel, skewer, spike, rivet, brad, screw, bolt, hook, spigot, piton, tee
noun noun: rock face, plural noun: rock faces, noun: rockface, plural noun: rockfaces, noun: rockface, plural noun: rockfaces 1.a bare vertical surface of natural rock.
SECTION sec·tion [ˈsekSHən] noun noun: section, plural noun: sections 1.any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up:
"arrange orange sections on a platter" synonyms part, piece, bit, segment, component, division, portion, element, unit, constituent part, piece, bit, segment, component, division, portion, element, unit, constituent 2.a distinct group within a larger body of people or things:
"the children's section of the library" synonyms department, area, part, division department, area, part, division 3.the cutting of a solid by or along a plane. verb verb: section, third person present: sections, past tense: sectioned, past participle: sectioned, present participle: sectioning 1.divide into sections:
"she began to section the grapefruit" origin late Middle English (as a noun): from French section or Latin sectio(n-), from secare to cut. The verb dates from the early 19th cent.
STOPE [stōp] verb present participle: stoping 1.(in mining) excavate a series of steps or layers in (the ground or rock).
origin mid 18th cent.: apparently related to the noun step.
Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership, locations like building corners or the surface location of subsurface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law, such as property sales
TERRESTRIAL ter·res·tri·al [təˈrestrēəl, -ˈresCHəl] adjective adjective: terrestrial 1.of, on, or relating to the earth:
"increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems" synonyms earthly, worldly, mundane, earthbound, land, sublunary earthly, worldly, mundane, earthbound, land, sublunary noun noun: terrestrial, plural noun: terrestrials inhabitant of the earth.
origin late Middle English (in the sense temporal, worldly, mundane): from Latin terrestris (from terra earth) + -al.
X-RAY [ˈeks ˌrā] noun plural noun: X-rays, plural noun: x-rays, plural noun: X rays electromagnetic wave of high energy and very short wavelength, which is able to pass through many materials opaque to light.
2.a photographic or digital image of the internal composition of something, especially a part of the body, produced by X-rays being passed through it and being absorbed to different degrees by different materials.
synonyms radiograph, radiogram, X-ray image/picture/photograph, roentgenogram radiograph, radiogram, X-ray image/picture/photograph, roentgenogram verb third person present: X-rays, third person present: x-rays, third person present: X rays 1.photograph or examine with X-rays:
"luggage bound for the hold is X-rayed" origin translation of German X-Strahlen (plural), from X- (because, when discovered in 1895, the nature of the rays was unknown) + Strahl ray. |