Installation Guide License Server (if using concurrent licensing)

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1.Obtain a copy of the License Server install from PrimeThought Software Solutions.  

2.Install the License Server software on a server machine which you will be using as your license server.  

3.Note that this machine must be on the network and must be accessible to all MineModeller client machines.  

4.By default, the License Server uses Port 31416 but this can be configured to any suitable port that is unused on your network.  

5.Remember to open whatever port you choose on all firewalls concerned.  

6.After the LicenseIQ software is installed, as administrator start the LicenseIQ program (from start -> Programs)  

7.Enter the port and server name of the license server machine (which is the current machine)  

8.If the server status is set as stopped, click the button to start it.  

9.It should show that no licenses are installed.  

10.Copy the server license to the Licenses folder where the license server was installed. (default c:\program files\PrimeThought Software Solutions\LicenseIQ\Licenses)  

11.Stop and then start the license server using the start and then the stop buttons in LicenseIQ.  

12.The user interface should now show that you have some number of MineModeller licenses installed.