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Clicking on the Arc/Circle tool will bring up a dialogue where you can specify the parameters of a circle or arc you can draw:




First you will choose whether you want to draw a circle or arc; circle is the default, and you will have to specify specifically by ticking on Arc to draw an arc. Then choose whether you want a filled circle/arc (Fill) and whether you want it to be 3D or not (3D). In this example I will just be drawing a 2D filled circle:




Next choose the Draw Type which is how you will draw the circle/arc, I will just leave the default which is from the centre outwards as a radius (Center, Radius). Finally, you can choose to have a prespecified radius by entering it in by Radius(m), this is in meters, I have chosen to have a 10 kilometre radius, then you will tick on the checkbox next to it.


Then tick on the Draw checkbox and as you hover in your scene you will see the prespecified circle/arc on your cursor, you can then double click at the desired point to place it:








Alternatively, you can draw the radius dynamically in the scene, just leave the Radius(m) checkbox ticked off and then tick Draw. Then click and drag in your scene to start drawing the circle/arc, as you draw the radius will show dynamically by Radius(m), double click to finish:





